Better Offline Data Caching
Today, a customer can download offline data. But if the app crashes, or the user in the field (who is offline) makes changes and then app crashes or they quit out by accident, its confusing to the user as to what has been completed. To the user, it feels like the data has been lost.
An example, lets say I have an offline flow which downloads 10 records in a table. While offline, I add 2 new records to that table, and go to the next step. If the app crashes when the app reopens, and the flow is rerun, the user will only see the 10 records. Not knowing they submitted the 2 additional records. This could be true if they quit out of the app by mistake, instead of the app crashing.

We are happy to inform you that development work has begun on your requested feature. Our product team has assigned resources and is actively working on implementing it. We will keep you updated on its progress.
Samuel Bordelon commented
I agree. Its more of a "snapshot" than offline data. When an end user exits a flow and re-opens is (not paused). even though source data was updated or changed. It re-sets to the original offline state. This seems antithetical to the purpose of offline data. We have end users who have to be offline for a day or more. And if they accidentally close the workflow. They either have to drive hours back into network range. Or trust that the data they input up to that point is stored without any real way to verify it.
Does the application close here? I believe offline transactions are saved if the app crashes, however, if a User Logs out purposefully, the transactions are removed from cache. Is this not the functionality you are seeing?
Himantha Yasawardana commented
Currently offline workflows support downloading data into the client and run workflows without an internet connection. However this data purely reside on memory when it comes to mobile devices.
If the application has to be closed for any reason, whole of the offline data will be lost.
This is essential for situations like off site asset count in remote locations. etc.
Johannes Steger commented
Another great feature would be to be able to design ONE workflow that is online AND offline, not an online AND an offline version as you need to do today.
Meaning certain data is cached (we need to be able to identify the steps that do this) and automatically refreshed in a configurable intervall. when the user runs a workflow the client should recognize wether it's online or offline and depending on the status either fetch the data online or use cached data. Same would go for any machine steps that execute IFS logic. -
Evaluating feature for Flow Connect.