Scrolling in Workflow Elements Locked when Workflow is Not in Edit Mode
When double clicking an included workflow in studio to view what parameters are being sent, the scroll bar is locked unless the user is in “edit” mode.User should be able to scroll and view all the parameters without entering edit mode or resizing the window.

We are pleased to announce that the requested feature has been fully developed and is now available to all users in Novacura Flow Connect. Our product team has tested the feature and ensured that it meets the requirements and specifications. We hope you enjoy using it.
This will be evaluated in the new web designer for Flow Connect.
AdminKonstantinos (Admin, Novacura) commented
Currently, to view a script within a flow in the Studio, users need to enter Edit Mode and check out the flow. This can be an unnecessary step for those who simply want to review the script without making any modifications. This feature request proposes a solution that allows users to view a script in full without entering Edit Mode and checking out the flow.
AdminAmri Naushad (Admin, Novacura) commented
It is requested to improve the usability in Novacura Flow Studio by enabling full script viewing functionality. This feature should allow users to seamlessly open and scroll through the entire script without the necessity to enter the EDIT mode or check out the flow. This enhancement aims to promote efficiency and ease of use within the platform.