Manual re-compile all enabled projections in OData connector
In the context we hae customers like Elvia and soon DSB where flow is having a usage of 300+ projections. With frequent updates in IFS ( ever green with new releases every 6 month and service updates in addition). The projections needs to be recompiled one by one. This is timeconsuming and have a risk of not handling it correctly.
I would be great and useful to add an option/button/way to easily re-download the metadata of all enabled projections and re-compile them in OData connector.
Especially, after an update of IFS, it would be great to do it manually.
Even if just the admin page gets this function(like: and not from machine steps in flow studio.

Thank you for voting on this feature request. Our product team is currently reviewing it and evaluating its feasibility and potential impact. We will keep you updated on any progress.
We are evaluating this in Flow Connect to update modules through a workflow. Today a workflow is used to create the modules, so we will do a bulk update through an app as well.