Add proper Report Print Layout configuration to Flow
There is a need for proper Report Print Layout configuration. Must allow dynamic sizing of all cells in a table/layout, logo, formatting, conditions etc. Today's HTML is far to rigid. For some use cases the layout is so poor that we can't even use it internally, not to mention externally.
Main need is for PDF, e.g. Word would have been nice, but less important
Ideally there should be an engine on the backside, allowing to be automatically sent on E-mail or printed to predefined print.
For IFS users, similar IFS Report Designer and Print Agent. The built in IFS tools are strong, but limited availability of data to be fetched into the report restricts the tool far too much.

Thank you for voting on this feature request. Our product team is currently reviewing it and evaluating its feasibility and potential impact. We will keep you updated on any progress.
Evaluating in Flow Connect.