More Flexibility in Portlet Size Snapping
We kindly request an enhancement to the current portlet system to provide finer control over the sizing of portlets within the interface. Presently, the snapping span for portlet placement is relatively wide, which can lead to suboptimal layout arrangements, especially for customers using older screens with lower resolutions in specialized environments such as manufacturing facilities. Our proposal aims to introduce a more precise adjustment mechanism for portlet sizing, allowing users to optimize the presentation of their data without unnecessary space consumption. Attached screen dumps illustrate instances where the lack of "in-between" sizing options results in portlets occupying excessive room. We believe that this feature addition would significantly improve the usability and customization potential of the platform for our valued customers.

We are pleased to announce that the requested feature has been fully developed and will be available to all users when Portal Connect is released. Our product team has tested the feature and ensured that it meets the requirements and specifications. We hope you enjoy using it.