Close Pinned Steps
A process involves calling a flow fragment with a pinned user step. After completing the fragment, returning to the main flow retains the now irrelevant pinned step, potentially causing confusion. Pinned steps should close along with their parent flow to avoid this issue.

Pontus Leander commented
I support this but would like it to be an option. We use Pinned steps that we sometimes want to keep open since it contains relevant information for the whole process.
And I would like to be able to update values in the pinned step without passing through the pinned step. We got lots of flows where we return to a user step after registration and I would like to be able to update values in the pinned step without passing through it. It would save us a lot of decision steps and arrows.
We also would like to see an option to automatically open the Pinned step would be great.
Johannes Steger commented
I think in general it would be good to have the ability to update/change/delete a specific pinned step, meaning you can cross-reference the same pinned step from early in the flow again later in the flow.
Currently the only way to update a pinned step is if you run by that very same step again in the flow. In larger flows it can get quite cluttered with pinned steps while some contain irrelevant information for the current step.
Would allevate the functionality so so much -
That feature would be very much appreciated, especially when displaying addtional data on demand. We have flows where we have multiple loops representing sub-processes, each with different set of data. Once a sub-process is finalized, that data should be refreshed within one pinned step, rather than creating a new one.
AdminAmri Naushad (Admin, Novacura) commented
AdminAmri Naushad (Admin, Novacura) commented