Toggles to Retain Table Row Selection and also Refresh Table in Portal 2
When selecting a row or row(s) in a portlet table and then starting a workflow, the row selected is no longer showing as (gray) selected, making it hard to find what row was just worked with and pulled into the workflow. This may not always pertain to selected rows because some are actually deleted or removed from a portlet table.
However, a good addition would be to allow for tables in Portal 2 to deselect/not deselect the row and to allow the table to automatically update/not update the table after completing or closing a workflow. These are possibly some things that can be toggled on/off in the table portlet settings titled "Retain Row Selection" and "Auto-Refresh Post Workflow".
When "Retain Row Selection" is turned on it will not deselect rows in tables, and when turned off (default) it will deselect the rows. When "Auto-Refresh Post Workflow" is turned on (default), it will automatically update or refresh the table data after running a workflow, and when off it will keep the same data as before clicking a workflow button. This could even be added down to the workflow level settings themselves

This will be evaluated in Flow Connect.