Native Image Markup and Annotation within FLOW Client App
Our customers have expressed a strong demand for a more efficient and seamless image annotation process within the FLOW Client app. Currently, users face inconvenience and inefficiencies as they need to save images locally and then upload them separately before performing annotations or markups. To address this concern and elevate the user experience, we request the integration of native image markup and annotation capabilities directly within the FLOW Client app, enabling users to capture images, annotate them, and instantly save or submit the annotated pictures.
We are pleased to announce that the requested feature has been fully developed and is now available to all users. Our product team has tested the feature and ensured that it meets the requirements and specifications. We hope you enjoy using it.
Himantha Yasawardana commented
Thank you all!
James Good commented
The goal would be to use it with all applicable file types (pdfs, etc). Photo files, regardless of where they came from (from the camera and browsed from the library) are probably the most important though.
Is the native image markup only meant to be used with camera input? Or is the plan to also use this feature with other types of files that may be downloaded from the file gallery (example .pdf files)?