31 results found
Portal2 Gantt schedule sorting
Portal2 Gantt sorting by click on one of the columns presented. Example: Standard sorting is to sort by work task number. One of the columns shown is equipment object id or department and the user wants to sort by Equipent object by click on that column. (or date, or department, or priority etc)
2 votes -
Include the 'Does Not Contain' Operator in Portal 2 Filter Option
The filtering process will remove all records that contain the specified value or pattern, leaving a refined dataset that only contains the relevant data.
4 votes -
Expanded Document Format Support in Portal 2 Doc Viewer
Enhancement to Portal2's document viewer to increase its compatibility with these common file formats (doc, xls, txt). This will improve user experience by enabling in-browser viewing of a wider variety of documents.
3 votes -
Enhance Portal 2 Record Selection Listeners to Include Deselect Events for Real-Time Data Refresh
In Portal 2, the current record selection listeners provide a powerful feature to update portlets when new records are selected. However, we have noticed that the listeners do not trigger when records are deselected, resulting in stale data being displayed in other portlets. To improve the user experience and maintain data accuracy, we propose enhancing the record selection listeners to include deselect events or introduce a new listener specifically for deselecting records. This enhancement would enable portlets to refresh in real-time when records are deselected, ensuring that users always have up-to-date information displayed across all relevant portlets.
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Save Data in Table Portlet on Enter Keyboard Command
A user should be able to save data when pressing the "Enter" key in a Table Portlet.
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Temporary Editable Columns Table Portlet
Currently, modifying values in a table requires the use of Edit Operations. However, there is a need to allow temporary or inline editing of table records without employing Edit Operations. This would enable users to make temporary changes to selected records and then execute a custom workflow using a special button. The workflow's InputTable would include all records, reflecting any changes made.
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Linked Highlighting of Allocations in Scheduler
Scheduler is often being used to manage allocations, with multiple allocations often tied to a single operation. While these allocations are perceived as the same object, they aren't currently treated as such in the Scheduler.
We propose a feature that enables linked highlighting of allocations tied to the same operation. When one instance of the operation is selected, all corresponding allocations should be highlighted. The actual selected instance could be distinguished with a unique color while other instances are highlighted with another color. However, when interacting with a single instance (e.g., dragging it forward in time), only that instance should…
2 votes -
Alternate Line Coloring in Scheduler
In the current design of the Scheduler, there is no option to alternate the color of lines. This can make it difficult for users to distinguish between tasks, especially when dealing with resources that have many lines and a long planning horizon.
We propose adding a feature to configure alternating colors for each line in the Scheduler. This "zebra striping" will enhance visual distinction between tasks, making it easier for users to navigate and manage their tasks and resources, especially over long planning horizons.
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Improved Week Navigation in Scheduler
Currently, when changing between weeks in the scheduler, it adds a week on top of the current day, rather than moving to the start of the next week (Mon-Fri). This behavior contrasts with the functionality when stepping to the previous week, where it scrolls back to Monday.
We propose modifying the week navigation in the scheduler to ensure that moving to the next week always takes the user to the start of that week (Monday). This adjustment will create consistent behavior when navigating between weeks and align more closely with user expectations.
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Dynamic Date Filter Configuration in Gantt Portlet
The default values of the date filter in the Gantt portlet are currently based on today's date. This setup requires manual adjustments when looking at historical data, which can be cumbersome and time-consuming for users.
We propose adding the ability to configure the end of period default value based on the start of period value in the Gantt portlet. For example, if the start of the period is set to two months ago, the end of the period could automatically be set to two weeks after that. This dynamic configuration would enable users to more quickly and intuitively navigate through…
2 votes -
Use Azure AD to Authenticate to IFS Cloud through Novacura
If authentication to IFS Cloud is done through external IDP like Azure AD, Novacura Flow should also be able to utilize the same external IDP to authenticate into Novacura Flow and then do a token exchange with IDP when running a User Flow that is connecting to IFS Cloud.
1 vote
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