Arrows are not easy to identify or get too long
Sometimes I have VERY long arrows. When i highlight the arrow I can see it nicely, but as soon as I try to move it is not highlighted. I want to be able to see my separate arrows ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY overlap.
A few options to consider.
Allow me to color arrows different colors for visibility.
Allow me to select an arrow and leave it “selected” so it stands out.
Allow me to have a shorter arrow that goes to a “GO TO” element which is just a pointer to another element in the flow.
We regret to inform you that this feature request has been declined. Our product team has determined that it is not aligned with our product roadmap or does not bring enough value to our platform to justify its implementation. We appreciate your continued feedback and look forward to hearing about future ideas.
Peter Ronnestig commented
Sort of related to this. I would like to be able follow the path/arrows taken thru the flow when you run the application in the studio.
For example highlighting the arrows in another colour. -
Jonas Gabrielson commented
I often use Decision steps to gather multiple arrows together, just to make them easier to manage. It's not a perfect or dedicated solition, but it's similar to your third option.