OData Error Format Change
We would like if the OData connector return error (Error.jpg) like in IFS structure (IFS error structure.png) as a flow structure: record error containing fields code, message and table details with code and message columns. This would remove the need to beautify the ErrorMessage in flow script. Also using the break workflow feature could show just the error.message and details.code + details.message (Error in flow.jpg).

We are pleased to announce that the requested feature has been fully developed. It is now available to all users with the latest version of IFS OData Connector 2.1.26. https://help.novacuraflow.com/release-information/connector-services/ifs-odata-connector/2.1.26
Our product team has tested the feature and ensured that it meets the requirements and specifications. We hope you enjoy using it
Error in flow
IFS Error Structure