Upgrade Companion
Overview of the Upgrade Companion:
• The Upgrade Companion will collect essential data such as workflow execution, connector usage, and authentication logs to streamline the upgrade process.
• This ensures a better understanding of the customer’s system and helps identify areas for improvement during the upgrade.
Key Logging Features:
1. Workflow Execution:
• Logs when workflows are run, providing details such as workflow ID, name, step count, and connector type.
• This helps track workflow efficiency and usage patterns across devices (Android, iOS, Web).
2. Push Notifications:
• Logs if a push notification is triggered during a workflow execution.
• This is useful for monitoring user engagement and alert mechanisms in workflows.
3. Suitcase Downloads:
• Logs when a suitcase (data package for offline use) is downloaded, allowing tracking of offline usage patterns.
• Helps monitor workflows using offline capabilities.
Detailed Insights Captured:
1. Device and Browser Data:
• Captures device type and browser information at sign-in (Android, iOS, Web, etc.), useful for understanding client-side execution environments.
2. Connector Usage:
• Logs detailed information on which connectors are used in workflows, including species, sub-configurations, and operations.
• Provides insight into the integration landscape and helps ensure connectors are configured properly during the upgrade.
3. Authentication:
• Tracks the type of authentication used (e.g., basic, OAuth 2) for each connector.
• This data helps ensure secure configurations post-upgrade.
User and Portal Data:
1. Active Users:
• Tracks the number and type of active users (Full, App, Portal, Transaction, Workflow).
• Helps monitor user activity and identify public users or specific usage trends.
2. Portal Usage:
• Logs active portlets and push notifications in Portal 1 and 2, providing insights into portal interaction and content delivery.
3. Missing Features:
• Tracks the use of specific features like swimlanes, push notifications in workflows, and global properties.
• Identifies any unsupported features or gaps that need to be addressed during the upgrade.

The requested feature is now available for testing by a select group of users. Our product team is collecting feedback and making improvements based on user feedback. If you are selected as a Beta customer, we appreciate your participation and feedback.