Translation panel and standard buttons
Support for multiple languages in Flow can be a involved process and with many large workflows in a solution it can be challenging to provide a consistent translation (and terminology!) in your apps. In the translation industry, a common way to work is to have a side-by-side or spreadsheet view of all text with the original language on one side and the translations on the other. I would love it if the Languages tab in Environment could collect all text from one or multiple apps and then put that text in a table with editable fields where you can enter translations. That would both make translating an app easier and faster (since you don't have to click through lots of User steps and Buttons) and make the translations themselves better and more consistent since you could cross-reference all the text in the app.
In addition, it would be really helpful if you could configure a set of "standard" buttons in your environment where you can set translations but also make sure buttons use the same terms throughout an environment. When all buttons are free text, it's easy to end up with apps where some buttons say "OK", others say "Next", "Continue" etc. although they do the same thing in concept (move forward in the app). From an UX perspective, apps with more consistent buttons look more professional. We did something similar in some RISE apps where we call a fragment containing a table of standard button texts which works fine, but it would be even better if you could select a Standard button from a dropdown (with one selection obviously being free text).