Image Selection with Additional Inputs
We have startad using a lot of images in our Flows to show product images. There are however quite some limitations in this area.
I would like a see a Image function that allows us to display a image in any element.
The function should take image source, width and height (and maybe something to keep aspect ration or not). The width and height would rezise the image server side for faster load times on the client.
Img(url, 300, 300, 1)
This would allow us to display a list of items with images in List Selection Input or in a Data Grid.

Pontus Leander commented
This might not be needed if we get a "Image function" as this idé suggests: Image Selection Input is lacking in terms of finess compared to List Selection Input.
I would like to display the images in a list, or chose how many grids the images are displayed on. Maybe it can be responsive and adapt to the screen size.I would also like a autoselect like in List Selection Input. As of now, the users have to select and then confirm with a button witch is annoying from a user perspective.